Sunday, August 21, 2005

I'm planning on rebuilding a couple of my linux boxes soon.

I had a look to see how to access the files under the "free traffic", I found the details of the apt setup, and added them to my config.

There's something wrong though, because when I try to update the sources, I get "500 internal error" or similar.

When I test the address in my browser, I get:

"Bad configuration file
The configuration file /etc/apt-proxy/apt-proxy.conf is apt-proxy directory /var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/ doesn't exist!."

Hmm, great.

At least the directories holding the isos works, so I can just download the iso of the first CD, and do a basic install.

I found the iso of ipcop in the mirror server, so I downloaded that too. Now I just need to work out what machine I'm going to run it on.

I've got a PII 350, I think I'll put some more memory in it (it only has 64MB), and stick a few more network cards in it, and use it.

All it does at the moment is act as the DNS server for the LAN, and my external SSH server, oh and it's the remote proxy password protecting my tivo on the internet, and it collects the MRTG stats from the tivo.

Hmm, it does more than I thought.

Oh well, once I get ipcop running, I'm sure I can configure it to run as a dns server, password protect my tivo, and run an ssh server.

I don't really care about the MRTG stats, I never look at them anyway.


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