Melissa in TV Guide's "Dish", September 20

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Tell the kids to leave the room!

Sabrina star Melissa Joan Hart reveals that "I like to be as naked as possible." And while Hart doesn't come across as a tabloid punching-bag waiting to happen, she admits to Bikini that she's more wild than her goody-goody image implies.

"Yeah," sighs best friend and co-star Lindsay Sloane. "If there's a time when Melissa can be naked, she definitely is. She's such an exhibitionist." Which begs the question of whether Hart would appear in a journal such as Playboy. Hart says, "If they could promise me it wasn't camera-between-my-knees kind of shots, I would do it. I would do topless. I think it's empowering. Though if my mother had a real big problem with it, I'd have to say no right now." Mom Paula Hart tells the magazine she "wouldn't be happy about it."

But the lure of airbrushed nudity may be too strong, says friend Sloane. "Melissa's very proud of her butt. She'll sit there and talk about it for an hour — how she likes her a--."

Friends and associates chalk up Hart's provocative moments to her tumultuous childhood. Her parents divorced when she was 14 and her mother began a strict regimen of club-hopping and scene-making. "[S]he became a big club queen in New York, went out at all hours, and I had to stay home with th kids, baby-sitting. And if she wasn't home the next day, I had to get them up and get them ready for school." She calls her workaholic dad, "a better friend than he is a father."

Paula admits that the kids, "mainly just Melissa, reacted badly." But all rifts have been healed and today Paula is Melissa's manager. Mother and daughter say they have a great relationship, and both can have a laugh at the difference between Hart's sweet reputation and the more exotic reality. "[P]eople are afraid to curse around me. they're like 'S--- — oh, sorry.' I always get that."— John Aboud

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