Melissa's "Entertainment Tonight" appearances in 1999

Melissa appears on Entertainment Tonight every couple of weeks, so I have dedicated this page to providing the story behind the appearance, so that hopefully I can get some of the old stuff out of my "news" section :-).

All of Melissa's appearances are listed in chronological order, with the latest at the top. there are also direct links available, for you to download each appearance.

Wednesday 18th August:      (160k, 10 seconds)      (450k, 10 seconds)
This is actually from yesterday's episode, but after I taped the first story containing Melissa I got a bit excited and started plugging the VCR into my PC etc, just got it cabled up in time to see a second story containing Melissa. I scrambled for the remote, but by the time I was recording she was nearly gone :-( I set up the tape and grabbed the second story from the repeat episode shown today. Anyway, Melissa is talking about having a holiday, and getting paid for it. (Or something like that).

Tuesday 17th August:      (850k, 53 seconds)      (2570k, 53 seconds)
Melissa was featured in a story about Britney Spears guest starring in STTW. I think this was one of the best clips of Melissa I've seen in a while, just watch this in slow motion to see what I'm talking about.

Wednesday 4th August:      (460k)      (1300k)
Melissa was in a segment about the "Teen Choice Awards". It's proceded by Britney Spears talking about how she's going to be on STTW, and her episode will be filmed on Thursday
Shows Melissa in a great backless top :-)

Tuesday 6th July:    (905k)
A clip of Melissa in Britney Spears' new video for her song "You Drive Me Crazy". I've finally managed to digitise it!

Friday 18th June:     (170k/5 sec)     (800k/5 sec)
Melissa was at the premiere of "Big Daddy" starring Adam Sandler.
Melissa was asked if she believed Adam could have kids, and she answered "sure, he's old enough" and then said "ooh, that's mean!".
I don't think it was mean, but then, that's just me :-) (and I'm still single BTW :-).
You can grab a small video (about 170k), or one that scales a lot better, (it's about 800k). Due to popular demand (Ok, it was one request) I've made the larger version available again. For some reason, the larger video displays at the same size as the smaller one, so use your mpg player to zoom the larger one to about 200% or 2:1, whatever your player has.

Monday 14th June:     (1200k, 41 seconds)
Melissa was shown on ET on Monday night (US time), it was shown Wednesday morning on Australian TV.
It was a clip of Melissa during the photo shoot for the new magazine "Cosmo Girl".

Friday 28th May:     (1900k, 104 seconds)
Melissa is interviewed about working on "Sabrina Down Under", and her recent breakup with James Fields. (You can't quote me on this, but yay! :-)

Melissa was also on "Today/Tonight", you can download the audio and video of this on the Multimedia Downloads page.

More Soon!

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